
Lemonify your discord experience

Play high quality music on discord for free

Enhance Your Discord Server with Lemonify

Lemonify brings high-quality music streaming, advanced audio filters, and interactive commands to your Discord server. With seamless playlist management, customizable settings, and fun features, Lemonify is designed to create an engaging and dynamic server experience. Elevate your community with Lemonify today and enjoy the ultimate Discord audio experience!

Why Choose Lemonify Over Other Bots?

1. Superior Music Quality: Enjoy high-quality audio streaming with minimal latency.

2. Advanced Audio Filters: Customize your music with unique filters like bassboost, lofi, and nightcore.

3. Seamless Playlist Management: Easily create, save, and manage playlists for ultimate control.

4. Customizable Settings: Personalize the bot’s behavior and manage DJ roles to fit your server perfectly.


  • Lemonify is capable to queue related tracks when there are no more tracks in the queue with autoplay


  • Lemonify remains online 24/7 and stay in vc for 247 it's also capable to play music 24/7 for free without any lag


  • Have you ever dreamt of quality music without any lag then you are at right place Lemonify is what you need!


  • Lemonify has a large collection of music filters such as 8D, Bass Boost, etc. which can be applied easily !

Discord Servers

0 +


0 +

Discord Users

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Lemonify Commands

Total : 73

Music (17)
  • autoplay: Enable or disable continuous playback.
  • clearqueue: Clear the current music queue.
  • grab: Save the current track to your favorites.
  • join: Summon Lemonify to your voice channel.
  • leave: Disconnect Lemonify from the voice channel.
  • loop: Loop the current song or queue.
  • nowplaying: Show the currently playing song.
  • pause: Pause the current playback.
  • play: Play a song from YouTube or other sources.
  • queue: Show the current music queue.
  • resume: Resume paused playback.
  • search: Search for a song to play.
  • shuffle: Shuffle the current music queue.
  • skip: Skip the current song.
  • skipto: Skip to a specific track in the queue.
  • stop: Stop playback and clear the queue.
  • volume: Adjust the playback volume.
Filters (9)
  • 8d: Apply a spatial 8D audio effect.
  • bassboost: Enhance the bass levels in your music.
  • distortion: Add a distortion effect to the audio.
  • filters: Access and manage all audio filters.
  • lofi: Play music with a low-fidelity, chill vibe.
  • nightcore: Speed up the music with a pitch increase.
  • pitch: Adjust the pitch of the current track.
  • speed: Change the playback speed of the music.
  • vaporwave: Apply a vaporwave effect for a retro sound.
Playlists (8)
  • pl-create: Create a new playlist.
  • pl-delete: Delete an existing playlist.
  • pl-info: Show information about a playlist.
  • pl-list: List all your playlists.
  • pl-removetrack: Remove a track from a playlist.
  • plsavecurrent: Save the current song to a playlist.
  • plsavequeue: Save the entire queue to a playlist.
  • plstart: Start playing a specific playlist.
Information (14)
  • about: Display information about Lemonify.
  • afk: Set your status to Away From Keyboard.
  • bug: Report a bug or issue with Lemonify.
  • firstmessage: Show the first message in a channel.
  • help: List all commands and their descriptions.
  • inbox: View messages sent to the bot.
  • invite: Get the invite link to add Lemonify to your server.
  • ping: Check the bot’s response time.
  • profile: Display user profile information.
  • stats: Show server or bot statistics.
  • report: Report an issue or user behavior.
  • uptime: Check how long Lemonify has been online.
  • vote: Vote for Lemonify on bot listing sites.
  • website: Get the link to Lemonify’s website.
Fun (11)
  • hack: Generate a fun, fake hacking message.
  • gay: Playfully rate someone’s “gayness.”
  • fuck: Send a playful and rude message to a user.
  • dumb: Measure how “dumb” someone is as a joke.
  • hug: Send a virtual hug to another user.
  • kill: Playfully “kill” another user.
  • pat: Pat another user on the back.
  • slap: Playfully slap another user.
  • kiss: Send a virtual kiss to another user.
  • lick: Send a playful lick to another user.
  • ship: Playfully pair two users together.
Utility (7)
  • avatar: Display a user’s avatar.
  • banner: Show the server’s banner.
  • membercount: Display the server’s member count.
  • serverinfo: Show information about the server.
  • userinfo: Display information about a user.
  • serverbanner: Show the server’s banner image.
  • servericon: Display the server’s icon.
Settings (7)
  • 247: Keep Lemonify connected to your voice channel 24/7.
  • setprefix: Customize the command prefix for your server.
  • setup: Configure initial settings for Lemonify in your server.
  • ignore: Set channels to be ignored by Lemonify commands.
  • adddj: Assign DJ roles to manage music playback.
  • removedj: Remove DJ roles from users.
  • toggledj: Toggle DJ mode on or off.